Tough and Capable DWI Attorney in Hamilton, NJ Fights for You and Represents You in DUI and DWI Proceedings in Mercer County and Throughout New Jersey
New Jersey’s DUI penalties are severe, and they become harsher with higher blood alcohol content (BAC) levels and with each subsequent arrest. Aggravating factors can also pile on additional charges and penalties, you can face thousands of dollars in fines, a loss of your driving privileges, and months behind bars for drinking and driving or driving while intoxicated. The good news, however, is that with the highly dependable Hamilton DUI lawyer in your corner, you can potentially beat the charges you face. It all depends on the specifics of your case, so call our DWI attorney in Hamilton, NJ today for a complete case evaluation and a thorough breakdown of your legal options.
New Jersey’s Tough DUI and DWI Laws
New Jersey’s DUI and DWI laws are some of the toughest in the country. The penalties for drinking and driving or driving while intoxicated are contained in NJ Rev Stat § 39:4-50 (2013) – the New Jersey Revised Statutes on Driving While Intoxicated. Here are some of the penalties you can face if you are convicted of drinking and driving:
For first offenses and a BAC of between 0.08% and 0.09%:
- Fines of between $250 and $400
- Up to 30 days in jail
- A 90-day driver’s license suspension
- Two six-hour classes at the Intoxicated Drivers Resource Center
For offenses involving a BAC of 0.10% or higher:
- Fines of between $300 and $500
- Up to 30 days in jail
- A seven to 12-month driver’s license suspension
- Two six-hour classes at the Intoxicated Drivers Resource Center
- An annual surcharge penalty of $1,000 for three years
For your second DUI or DWI, you can face:
- Fines of between $500 and $1,000
- Between 48 hours and 90 days in jail
- A 2-year driver’s license suspension
- Detainment for 48 consecutive hours in an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center
- An annual surcharge penalty of $1,000 for three years
- The installation of an ignition interlock device for between one and three years after your license is restored
For your third DUI or DWI, you can face:
- A $1,000 fine
- Six months in jail
- A 10-year driver’s license suspension
- Detainment at an alcoholism treatment program
- Fees as decided by the court that are paid to the Intoxicated Driver Resource Center
- An annual surcharge penalty of $1,000 for three years
- The installation of an ignition interlock device for between one and three years after your license is restored
For all DUI or DWI convictions, you may also face:
- A $100 surcharge for the Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund
- A $100 charge to cover Motor Vehicle Commission restoration fees
- A $100 fee for the Intoxicated Driving Program
- A $50 fee for the Violent Crimes Compensation Fund
- A $75 fee for the Safe and Secure Community Program
These penalties increase if your DWI or DUI occurred in a school zone. Furthermore, if you are convicted of DUI or DWI with a minor in your vehicle, you will face a disorderly person’s (misdemeanor) offense as well. This can lead to a loss of driving privileges for up to six months and you may be required to perform community service for up to five days.
These charges and penalties should not be taken lightly. Although DUI and DWI charges are not criminal offenses, they stay on your record and can be seen by, for example, prospective employers, landlords, banks, and other institutions via a simple background search. Protect your privacy and record and beat the charges you face by retaining the services of a highly skilled and proficient DWI attorney in Hamilton, NJ at LaBletta & Walters LLC.
DUI Charges in Hamilton, NJ
In 2019, there were over 20,000 DUI arrests in New Jersey. There were also almost 130 alcohol-impaired driving fatalities that year, even though the 10-year change in alcohol-impaired driving fatalities per 100,000 people fell over 20% between 2010 and 2019. These statistics can be interpreted in numerous ways, with some statistics showing improvement while others show room for improvement. Irrespective of the situation, our dedicated and compassionate Hamilton DUI lawyer will take on your case and aggressively defend you against the charges you face. You can rely on our DWI attorney in Hamilton, NJ for kind, knowledgeable, and reliable representation and guidance. We are with you every step of the way, so call us now to learn more about how we can help you.
Contact Us Today
If you face DUI or DWI charges, do not dismiss them as minor or unimportant. You can face jail time and serious fines and fees if you are convicted. Many people are erroneously arrested and charged with DUI and DWI every day, and you have the right to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Leave your DUI or DWI charges case to our dedicated Hamilton DUI lawyer and we will capably guide and represent you throughout your case.